Having been introduced to Julia Cameron’s “Artist’s Way” creative workshops a few years ago, I continue appreciating the maxim advising students “keep the drama on the page”. Or the stage, or canvas, or whatever your favorite artistic medium. Of course …Continue reading →
The Revival “It’s a little inappropriate for you to be acting cute, isn’t it?” Stella jolted. “What?!” Drew nodded toward the umbrella on the passenger seat. Knuckles white on the steering wheel, his narrowing eyes froze her from the rearview …Continue reading →
I just finished reading an interview featuring a very gifted artist. Amongst his other comments, he underlined the importance of mental and physical balance. One colleague, upon seeing the man’s most private project, asked how he could possibly be sane …Continue reading →
It’s about that time of year again. And I’m not referring to Christmas. My annual subscriptions need renewed for the British comic weekly “2000 AD” and the monthly “Judge Dredd Megazine”. Both have provided enjoyment for many years, though the …Continue reading →
Along with talented friends on an artist’s forum, I am reading Julia Cameron’s book “Walking in This World”. It follows the same thread as her “Artist’s Way” guide, both aimed at helping people unlock and explore their creative potential. One …Continue reading →
Are you doing NaNo? (National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo.) This year, I got off to a slow start because a) we’ve moved, b) I started a new job, c) I had a house guest the first weekend, and d) …Continue reading →
With us today for Writer Wednesday is Elizabeth Brooks, author, editor, and avid amigurumist. (Yes, I had to look up that one too.) I’m pleased to bring you her guest post for today, A Tale of Trust Elizabeth Brooks Winnie …Continue reading →
Today I’m striving on this fifth day of the National Novel Writing Month to create a word count worthy of the challenge – 50 thousand words in thirty days. I’m grateful gracious A. Catherine Noon introduced me to the concept …Continue reading →
I have an office, which obviously has a door. I also live with three cats. The plan to close said door and write in peace was sheer fantasy. Cats don’t like their humans being behind closed doors. They will scratch …Continue reading →