Along with talented friends on an artist’s forum, I am reading Julia Cameron’s book “Walking in This World”. It follows the same thread as her “Artist’s Way” guide, both aimed at helping people unlock and explore their creative potential. One …Continue reading →
Hello, world! I’M CAFFEINATED! Let’s see. What’s new in the land of Writer Zen Garden? WE HAVE A NEW MEETUP GROUP! I’m so excited. We are the Writer Zen Garden and joining up is free. If you join, you will …Continue reading →
Tips and tricks abound to aid the creative process. I’ve become familiar with some very clever ones, often through the warm and wise counsel of accomplished author Catherine A. Noon. She introduced me to the multi-talented Julia Cameron, for example, …Continue reading →
I’ve been making a real attempt to renovate the front garden this year. The neighbors must be pleased; I know I am. While gardening is invigorating, if often sweaty and exhausting work, the results have been spectacular. But as punishment …Continue reading →
Having finished evening pet care, busily scrubbing the sink until it shone, I came to realize that little time is spent on caring for myself. It’s a common theme among peoples of all situations, but worth addressing. After all, if …Continue reading →
Today I find myself nearly smack in the middle of National Novel Writing Month. If you’re a writer, I hope you’re with me. This, my third effort, started shakily. With only a title thought up on a whim, one character …Continue reading →
“How are you?” people ask. Those more in-the-know folks question whether or not I’ve been writing. I’m happy to answer lately that I am well and the writing is finally flowing again. It took a major event for me, leaving …Continue reading →
Inspired to write this moments ago, I recognized an attack by the inner critic. I’m sure anyone reading this knows what I’m talking about. I gratefully say that “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron makes these insidious traps easier to …Continue reading →
Often of late, it seems all my writing has been confined to emails for the day job. I’ve been going home without even the inspiration to sit in front of a keyboard or pad of paper. Despite this, I have …Continue reading →
I recently finished reading an m/m book from the “Heaven Sent” series by Jet Mykles. I really enjoyed “Faith”, the story of Heaven Sent drummer Darien and his burgeoning relationship with the lawyer who finalized his divorce. Attorney Chris Faith …Continue reading →