NaNoWriMo is over! Holy cats, what do I do with my life NOW? Keep writing. Duh. No, seriously. Keep up the discipline that you played with during the month of November. Maybe you don’t set your goal as high, maybe …Continue reading →
We’re ready for National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, at our house. Can you tell? That’s Kolya, doing his best to give his inspiration to my inbox. He’s a little over a year old and is fitting in well at …Continue reading →
So, it’s Wednesday. The first Wednesday of June. This means it’s my day to write my Writer Wednesday post. Um… ~crickets~ Final line edits of Sealed by Fire are due Friday. I teach class tomorrow night. I have a meeting …Continue reading →
It’s April. Do you know where your blog is? So, I decided, being the sane, plodding person that I am, to challenge myself for April. Self, sez I, I need a challenge. The internetz sez do the A-Z in April. …Continue reading →
In my previous post, I wrote about the process of writing a novel. Today I wanted to discuss my first step. I start with a picture, or a sense of a scene like in a movie. I’m a very visual …Continue reading →
Of course, who wants to eat an elephant? They’re tremendous creatures, highly intelligent and protective of their clans. So perhaps, eating an elephant isn’t a great metaphor for writing novels. Elephants are tough to hunt, protected species in many of …Continue reading →
As I sit here, grumbling that I have a blog post due and I’m sick and would rather be in bed, I’m reminded yet again of the power of the little: one small step can, over time, add up to …Continue reading →
Catch a Tiger by the Tale Blog Tour Day Three – Website Design TT | 07 | 2K13 | 03 Happy Wednesday! Since today is my Writer Wednesday post day, I thought I’d share some thoughts on designing a website …Continue reading →
Lots has been written on the benefits of vacation and how to take one, where to go, what to do, etc. etc. ad nauseum infinitum. So how come nobody talks about coming back from a vacation and how to get back …Continue reading →
I am considering changing my career and have gone back to the basics, which for me, is What Color Is Your Parachute by Richard Nelson Bolles (which, if you haven’t read it or it’s been awhile, go pick up the new …Continue reading →