Contributed by Laura Rios. As I sit to write this, I’m looking out through the patio door at the neighborhood treetops showing all kinds of colors: white and pink blossoms, the reddish color of new buds on the maple trees, …Continue reading →
Exercise! Love it or hate it, we all need more of it – especially if you, like me, are a person in love with words, reading, writing, and all the other things we do while SITTING. Sitting is the new …Continue reading →
D… delight. An old fashioned word meaning “great pleasure.” As a child I frequently would squeal with delight at being pushed on an old tree swing, wooshing back and forth, ever higher, hair wafting in the breeze stirred by my …Continue reading →
Welcome back to Day 2 of the A to Z Challenge, Dear Reader, and the letter B! B Is For… Beginner’s Mind! What does that even mean? A beginner’s mind is a curious one. They know they don’t know, and …Continue reading →
Contributed by Laura F. When I was in school (long ago now), a classmate claimed that anyone who went a full year without having sex automatically became a born-again virgin. I won’t comment on the validity (or invalidity) of this …Continue reading →
Yes! I said it. Yes, I’ll do the A to Z Blog Challenge this year! Yes! Am I glad that I did? Yes! Am I glad that I asked the folx who come to our weekly craft gathering, A Good …Continue reading →
by Mary Economou Green So what to discuss when you get the letter X to write about? So I did what we all do – googled. Not much of a gamer, so talking about X-box and its generations is out …Continue reading →
Contributed by Laura F. “W” is for “walking but it is also for “writing” and in this, my final post in the A-Z Blog challenge, I want to pass along and recommend the best piece of writing advice that I …Continue reading →
Did your high school use the “V – V-I – V-I-C-T-O-R-Y” chant at football games? Kind of corny, I know, and nowhere near what some of the immensely creative students are doing these days (like my nephew, say). But ya …Continue reading →
Contributed by Laura Rios In October 1933, the White Star Cafeteria in the Saint Regis Hotel of El Paso, Texas launched a weeklong advertising campaign to announce that they would be offering “Mexican tacos” each Tuesday. The tacos were a …Continue reading →