Thursday Thirteen
Riding Nicole’s Coattails
To cut down on distractions, Nicole mentions setting up a small desk designated for writing. She also made sure to give the space atmosphere. This is ideal!
I did something similar a while back, claiming the corner of a spare bedroom. I set up a desk and even installed a small aquarium. The problem is that, while the fish tank got me started on a whole new hobby, I drifted away from writing.
The lapse is partly due to a mentally tiring day job. Many aspiring authors suffer the same, however; it’s no excuse to let my art wither. How do I get back into a flow of writing through which I can find both enjoyment and pride?
For one thing, I need to resume utilizing that currently neglected space. Even sitting at my desk for non-writing tasks will hopefully spark a habit and ultimately the urge to write. I figure it’s a start.
Now I need to carve out quiet time and avoid distractions as Ms. Gordon wisely suggests.
All The Time In The World
Thursday Thirteen
Wiley Wednesday – Writing Quantity Over Quality
This is no minor feat, demanding an average of over 1,600 words every day. Last year I count myself blessed to have succeeded. The resulting manuscript still needs work, as I set it aside in favor of other projects and then life in general. Still, I did it!
Dogged persistence isn’t the only requirement. A big part of the process involves turning off the inner Critic. That alone is no easy task. Another is ignoring the desire many of us have to edit what is on the page instead of continuing to write. Edit in January or February after the pressure is off and you’ve stepped away from the project for a time.
Finishing fifty thousand words in thirty days requires each author to focus on simply spooling out the story rather than worrying over the quality. This is key to completing a tale under any conditions, let alone increasing the rate of production.
So, write instead of editing. Write despite any murmurings of an inner critic. Just sit down and write.
Have I decided to participate in NaNoWriMo this year? I honestly can’t say. First, I need to figure out what to write! It’s great fun, though, and provides an opportunity to meet writers online and in person at various events or through the website.
If interested, you should definitely check it out. Instructions for participation are simple, and then you put fingers to the keyboard and get busy. It’s that simple, if not exactly easy.
Write, right?!
Thursday Thirteen
Here we are again toward the end of the week. Click below to check out our contribution to this weekly event.
Scrabbling for Life
Having become recently hooked on playing Scrabble via an android mobile device, I realized that there are many similarities between the game and life.
To find success and happiness folks need a balance of luck and skill. You need to pay attention and follow the rules. If you find yourself unhappy with your lot, you can gamble in making a change much like throwing away letters from your options in the game. The trick is that one needs to be willing to end up in a worse situation.
But enough about life in general. This blog is about creative living. And that, blessedly, has no rules outside of still paying attention and definitely opening your mind.
As for the game, I like to play Scrabble because I love words. Writing is understandably my favorite creative outlet. Fortunately, writing is very different from the game. There is no limit on the number of words or letters available to play. The trick is about putting the letters down more than having either luck or skill.
Much can be said for other forms of creativity. I hope you’ll find yours and go have some fun. You might very well change your life for the better while you’re at it.
Thursday Thirteen
Join in today’s meme with a read and a comment!
Wiley Wednesday—Custom Facebook Fan Pages
One thing I always admire about the bigger-name authors is their beautiful custom designs–Twitter backgrounds, websites, Facebook pages…things I didn’t think the averaged e-published author could afford.