A while back, I posted an entry on Balance Point and promised I would follow up with a post on goals. I thought it would work good for a Wiley Wednesday, so here it is. I apologize in advance for …Continue reading →
By Hand vs. The Keyboardby A. Catherine Noon There’s an old debate in writers’ circles between those who compose with a keyboard and those who compose with a pen. I suppose in today’s internet era it might seem like a …Continue reading →
Have you ever searched the phone book, your book shelf, or read movie credits in search of a perfect character name? Or maybe the Kabalarian Philosophy and other sites like this? I have and I’m not ashamed to admit it. …Continue reading →
Happy Wednesday! Today is my turn to do the Wiley Wednesday post, and I’ve decided to share a bit about Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way. I’m part of an online cluster going through this book. Basically, Ms. Cameron takes us …Continue reading →
So, yesterday was tax day – I’m sure it didn’t go unnoticed by most of us. They say death and taxes are the only certainties. For most of us aspiring to be published, we can add to that list, rejection. …Continue reading →
The writers of the Writer’s Retreat Blog have agreed to contribute essays to our series called, “Wiley Wednesday,” in which we will share our thoughts and opinions about the craft of writing. While we’ve all agreed to this, I’m not …Continue reading →
The writers of the Writer’s Retreat Blog have agreed to contribute essays to our series called, “Wiley Wednesday,” in which we will share our thoughts and opinions about the craft of writing. This is my essay for this week. I …Continue reading →
Voice. It’s the Holy Grail of creative writing. In fact, it’s a rather poor word for something that cannot really be put into words. I say that because there are many different uses of the term voice. There’s the technical …Continue reading →