Flash Fiction Friday
In case you’re having a hectic day, we’ve got some light, fast reading to offer you a little decompressing down-time. Darla M. Sands
Continue reading →In case you’re having a hectic day, we’ve got some light, fast reading to offer you a little decompressing down-time. Darla M. Sands
Continue reading →Please enjoy some random thoughts. Then share you’re own. We’d love to know what you think. Darla M. Sands
Continue reading →A while back I read a book that made such an impact I wanted to share the experience of reading. In this age of e-books, that’s ridiculously easy to do while keeping your own copy but I just can’t do … Continue reading →
Well, it’s self promotion instead of a true flash fiction for today, but dear A Catherine Noon encouraged me to put this on the group blog. If you like gay reads and care to check out excerpts from my story, … Continue reading →
As we edge toward the weekend, our writers enjoy sharing random list. We hope you have a great day! A. Catherine Noon Darla’s Sand Castles
Continue reading →It has never been my way to set specific goals for myself. Exceptions include trying to arrive at work on time every morning and exercising daily. More recently, I set a goal to type seven thousand new words every week. … Continue reading →
Come celebrate random fun: A. Catherine Noon Darla M. Sands Nikki Memmott
Continue reading →Fifteen months ago, I would not have understood that question. Now, I find myself being asked on a fairly regular basis. Even more notable, I find myself questioning my standard, shy, negative response. What is holding me back? I’ve encountered … Continue reading →
If you want a little escapism, click below and enjoy a short read… Sand Castles – NC17 Taurus and Taurus
Continue reading →Today, our writers offer what we like to think are interesting and entertaining insights into the human mind. Take a peak, if you dare… A. Catherine Noon Darla M. Sands Lucius Antony
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