Thursday Thirteen
Enjoy a little random read on this fine Thursday. Sand Castles Nikki Memmott Now
Continue reading →Enjoy a little random read on this fine Thursday. Sand Castles Nikki Memmott Now
Continue reading →As a right-brained and big-picture thinker, it surprises me when I throw a whole bunch of ideas at someone and I see their eyes widen in panic and they blurt, “You don’t want to do all that right NOW, do … Continue reading →
Have you ever flippantly mentioned that you’re a writer and then seriously regretted it? I guess it goes without saying that I have. At my day job a while back, someone I rarely see wondered why I have a thesaurus … Continue reading →
Today is July 4th, Independence Day here in the US. This is a holiday that carries strong images and memories with it, one that can carry a lot of expectations about how the day should be celebrated. For one friend … Continue reading →
Here we are again, randomly titillating your senses. Please enjoy a read and share a response. We appreciate it! Darla M. Sands Sunshine
Continue reading →Time for random thoughts. We hope you’re having a good week! A. Catherine NoonDarla’s Sand CastlesA Bit of SunshineLucius Antony
Continue reading →To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? ~Hamlet, … Continue reading →
When the wonderful folks at the Writer’s Retreat asked if I would like to do a guest blog here, I jumped at the chance. I’ve been a reader for a little while now and no matter which of them posts, … Continue reading →
I have been thinking about inspiration the last few days. What inspires us and why? Personally I am very susceptible to song lyrics (and even inflict plot-bunny-ish songs on my friends) although picture prompts, watching a family in a park … Continue reading →
Thursdays mean listing thirteen random things. Whoever came up with the idea, it’s fun to read (or view) whatever bloggers compile. Come enjoy a peak into the minds of our contributors: Darla’s Sand Castles FiremanPat
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