Darla’s Noveling Journey
I read a very interesting list yesterday of forty quotes for pessimistic people. Many are understandably bleak statements. One, however, struck me as quite optimistic.
Robert Louis Stevenson reportedly said, “To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive.”
How is that pessimistic? I mean, sure, nobody can guarantee a fun time. You might get crappy weather. Occasionally, even, natural disasters strike resort areas. ~shudder~ That makes my periodic rainy days at the beach a paradise by comparison.
Anticipation, however, presents its own reward. Isn’t that last work week before vacation tinged with excitement?
That’s how I feel during National Novel Writing Month. Of course I want to complete my story, not to mention winning the 50,000 word challenge. My favorite part, however, is the journey I’m taking with my characters.
(Hopefully, they won’t resent me too much for all their travails and still be talking to me come December rewrites.)
In fact, right now they ought to wrap up the dialogue that’s lasted several thousand words. I need to light a fire under them. But how?
I know! The house can literally catch afire. After all, I have a villain lurking out there somewhere. Isn’t it in his job description to do something villainous? I think arson qualifies.
Before I go type that scene, how is your November going? Are you NaNoing? If so, I hope you’re enjoying the trip (or your own fire!). Happy noveling!
Oh, and here’s the link to those amazing quotes, in case you need a (brief) break from writing: