
The Power of Plurality: The Many In Support of the One — No Comments

  1. Brilliant! I would never have dreamed of doing these things. The variety is astonishing! From candle making to car maintenance. I love it! Always having been a loner, I'm amazed at how true my limited experience in the concept has already proven your point! My writing challenge addiction is a perfect example. 🙂 I owe you greatly for all the inspiration.

  2. Great idea. I have a group of girls I swap books with, makes it so nice to discuss them and buy two a month and get to read twelve!
    I also have a 'manicure/pedicure' support group now. ~snort~ We meet each 8 weeks and enjoy the experience together. Knowing that the others are planning on being there makes it easier to keep the appointment.
    Now I just need an exercise buddy….
    Good insights, Noony.

  3. I can't even imagine trying to write entirely on my own. The only time I've ever gotten anything accomplished is when I've had a group around me. I'm probably not as good at looking for groups in other areas of my life, though. Thanks for sharing, Noony!

  4. Being a bit of a loner in the physical world, I'm amazed at how many groups I belong to in the virtual world. I wouldn't do anything, if I didn't have my virtual friends to look to for encouragement and support. And hopefully I offer those things in return.

    It was a VERY good day, the day I met you all. :))

    A cool, encouraging Wiley, Noony!

  5. Much like many of the people here, I'm a loaner, too. Not many groups, even fewer friends (online or off). But I can't argue with your point, even before I read it. Large numbers are good.