
“War is the father of all things” — No Comments

  1. Lucious, this is a superb wiley. I have experienced those battles first hand, like everyone I know who writes, whatever they wirte. And, you're correct, anyone who writes does so because they need to, burn to and if we are going to write we will find a way.

    As for the other kind of war, were peoples lives are lost, or ruined, where decimation of the body, mind and spirit take place. I am no advocate of that kind of war, ever!

    You have an interesting year looming, make the most of every moment. 🙂

  2. …actually "make the most of it", sounds really pompous. Better thought, enjoy yourself as often as possible. :))

  3. Thank you for sharing this! Every time the inner critic shows up I'm able to just delve back into the story to hush it. But the battle remains to make time. I hope you find some to share more of your talent with the world! We await more from your wonderful imagination.