
B Is For… Blocked! — 9 Comments

  1. The whole going off and writing something else usually works for me. I have some story dice that can help with just coming up with something completely random to get the gears shifting and let the other story percolate in the back of my brain.
    Since I never have an outline when I start, going back to it isn’t an option for me 🤣. My writing style is somewhat chaos incarnate, which I fix when I’ve got lots of it already done.
    Best wishes,
    Tasha’s Thinkings: YouTube – What They Don’t Tell You (and free fiction)

  2. Great post, Nicole! I’m going to try some of these strategies the next time that I’m struggling to get words down. Thank you!

  3. I’m currently experiencing some weird form of writer’s block because I just cannot finish any new stories, whether short stories or longer ones. I tried writing a new novel for NaNoWriMo but got stuck about 30k words in and haven’t been able to progress, no matter how many times I tweak the outline.
    I think my head is still busy editing my current series and cannot multitask into working on other things yet.

  4. I have to agree with you. I do not believe in writer’s block. I have writer’s excess – the block is getting it on the paper.

    I like your “go to list.” I have learned that poetry pulls me in so I can pin point my focus. My writing is editing this day so it’s a different kind of energy.

    Cheers Happy A to Zing

  5. Great ideas Nicole, and love the humorous touches! You give some great suggestions. For me, another one is discipline – I need to set a time aside for just writing, without interruptions. Sometimes I also need a deadline (even if it’s an imaginary one). Rock on…

  6. Excellent handling of a topic we’ve all dealt with to some extent. I even experience a little blockage while creating art. The best solution is one you suggested, working on something else for a while. Taking a brief vacation away from whatever has you frustrated and feeling blank is just the ticket. I always return to my artwork with renewed vigor after a change of pace. Bravo!