
New Workshop Starting June 14th: Finding Water | The Art of Perseverance (free) — 4 Comments

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  2. Hi Noony,

    Thank you for the great Pray/Rain Journaling workshop this afternoon via BotanicWise. What a great way to end the meaningful weekend! I’d like to join this group but chose to leave Facebook last year and do not wish to go back. If you think the group can be supported in another way (fingers crossed your work with Ryan will lead to this opportunity!), please let me know. I’d very much like to expand my community in this way. Ordering the book now!

    Peace & blessings,

    • Hi there! Yes, if you sign up for our forum (link is at the top), we do have discussions there. It’s a little quiet because we just switched forum platforms, but we will definitely be happy to engage there. Our ultimate goal is to get off of FB due to their business practices. Thanks for stopping by!