H Is For… Holes – As in Plots (get that mind out of the gutter ~grin~)
I tend to write without outlines, character sheets, or even much of a plan. Sometimes this approach fails utterly because the stories can go off on a tangent and then sputter out. Or, as referenced in the name of this post, the plot ends up full of holes. That is at least fixable. Other times, however, something clicks for extremely satisfying results.
For the month of April, I’m endeavoring to rewrite a story that faltered back in November of 2013 during National Novel Writing Month. The Office of Letters and Light is hosting a similar challenge called Camp NaNo, so it’s full steam ahead once again.
Some new ideas have since cropped up for my contemporary gay romance tale, and that feels good. As of today (actually April fifth as I type this), the tale has not advanced far but I am hopeful. The whole idea came about with a silly opening line. Then I thought of an interesting name and just ran with it. We’ll see how it goes as the month progresses.
If you’re a writer, what tools work to help you create a cohesive story? Inquiring minds want to know. ~grin~ Happy writing!
Ha! I love the title.
For me, I like writing a scene to describe the characters in a pivotal moment. Sometimes that ends up being the opening scene of the book, like in Sealed by Magic; other times it might be toward the middle as in Emerald Keep where Teeka finds out the Keep denied their Contract. That scene was actually written as the ending of Emerald Fire, but Rachel patiently explained readers would mutiny if I left them with that much of a cliffhanger. ~hangs head~ Oh, fine.
And plot holes happen. My first nano, our Municipal Liaisons gave out little phials of blue sparkly sand with a label:
"Plot Hole Filler"
For me plot appears from nowhere. It's never something I have to search for. My main tool is an empty and receptive mind.We are all very different in the way we create.
Thank you for the lovely replies. I like the plot hole filler idea. ~grin~ And Keith, I would just stick with receptive to describe your mind because you seem way too intelligent to call it empty.
Best wishes to you both!
Good post. In the past, I've been firmly against outlines, and my stories have shown it! These days, I'm learning to love them, and I think it's made me a better writer and leaves fewer of those pesky holes. *ahem*
Thanks for taking time to read and remark, Doree. I may need to convert. ~grin~ Yesterday I interviewed my latest story's villain and added that toward my Camp NaNo word count but don't know if it really resolved anything.
I go back to the beginning after I finish drafting and start trying to make sense of the story. Haven't figured out any magical way, so if you have some editing magic powder, please share Awesome post, Darla! And have fun writing
Not a plot hole, it's an empty spot waiting for insperation
Excellent way of looking at it, Rachel. I'll take that to heart. Thank you.