
What are your Writuals? — No Comments

  1. Love the details of how others write. And your own particular points of contact. It\’s interesting to see that we are all different and yet similar in our creativity.
    I write on the computer, in the dining room, there is a stuffed animal, a tiger sitting on the tower, I have bowls filled with pretty rocks and shells that are ready to be moved into place if need be for inspiration.
    I need silence to write, no kids, no television, no music. I find the music I listen to just before writing is important. I have my sappy sweet stuff for my romance and the harder, Linkin Park and AFI for the wilder stuff.
    What is guaranteed to ruin my concentration…any noise, a sad thing because my house if full of kids, animals and other distractions.
    I set aside Saturday and Sunday mornings to write, everyone knows not to disturb me, sleep in and stay silent!! Beware the wrath of MOM!!
    If I need inspiration a walk does wonders, or writing my morning pages. There\’s always something exciting to see outside in my neighborhood.

  2. Great Wiley post, Fey! My only mandatory writual is icewater with lemon, and my iPod. I generate playlists for the particular story or section of the story I\’m working on, and put it on repeat. I don\’t mind listening to the same 20 songs over and over. Sometimes I make a collage of inspirational photographs and make that my desktop background. When I have to think for a minute, I go to the desktop and stare at it.

    I LOVE the wikitrails idea!!! I\’ll have to try that. I bet it just brings up all sorts of things you wouldn\’t consider otherwise!