
What To Do When Stress Rears Its Head — No Comments

  1. Awesome list of tools Nooney! I did just begin the walks last week and I can\’t tell you how much I\’m enjoying them. Alone, with kids and friends, morning or night it doesn\’t matter. Walking to 7-11 for slurpees has become a family outing at least every other day and the kids love it. I seldom see them for any significant amount of time, this is a nice way to bond and get back in touch with them.

    I\’m addicted to the morning pages too! I really love having a place to vent, muse and just plain let loose knowing that no one will ever read what I have written.

    I\’m glad your trial in Minnesota has ended and you had those tools to use. 🙂

  2. Good advice, Noony! Instead of doing morning pages (which are the bane of my existence)I play some free-style RP with my friend, if he\’s around. *snuggles*

  3. There\’s a lot of hand tips there that I\’ll definitely give a try. I completely agree with the bath advice, it\’s an excellent place to get inspired.

  4. I\’m totally with you on the walking, bathing and breathing stress relievers. (Once when I was godawful sick at both sides, ahem, a hot bath is the only thing that helped me relax. Try it the next time you\’re hot and cold at the same time, and feel like crap.)

    As for the morning pages, that\’s something I have a problem with because it requires that I get up sooner than I want. But…I\’m going to give it my best shot, dang it.

  5. My morning pages are very precious and private and belong just to me…wonderful stress relief. If it wasn\’t for you I wouldn\’t have had all these months with my journal. Thanks Noony! 🙂