
The Night Is A Harsh Mistress, Chapter 13 — No Comments

  1. Of course she can leave it there, she is torturing us!! But, wait we will cos it's impossible not to…more Viktor/Rachel and when are they going to kiss?????? <3 🙂

  2. Double dammit! Love how you\’re picking up all the threads you\’ve laid down and twisting them together. Can\’t wait to see what other surprises are in store for us! Mwah!

  3. Viktor is infuriating! Can\’t he at least tell her something concrete so she won\’t be vulnerable to any attacks that might come while he\’s gone?
    She\’s too inquisitive to just let it go! Doesn\’t he know her better than that?
    Tapping foot and waiting impatiently for next post! E