Check out some random fun on this fine Thursday…
Wiley Wednesday
All I really feel qualified to say today is that if you want to write, don’t stop doing it. And whatever you do, write what you love.
This is echoed at the end of an article by Josh Lanyon that I find worthy of sharing. It’s regarding m/m writing and whether such authors should try to find a mainstream publisher. That said, the website does showcase gay male sexuality, so please be warned.
If you don’t mind some male nudity and are inclined to read Mr. Lanyon’s enlightening opinion, please click here:
Friday Flash Fiction
Enjoy a little distraction with Flash Fiction Friday!
Thursday Thirteen
Dead Battery
However, I’m not calling it quits. I knew what number to call for help today, so there is surely some key to storytelling locked inside me. First, I need to sit down and make the effort to write whether I feel like it or not. Taking that step is one hundred percent more likely to produce words on the page than not trying.
Perhaps I’ll start now while waiting for my savior with the jumper cables.
Then again, I have my “Artist’s Way” book by Julian Cameron. It’s designed to enable higher creativity without forcing oneself.
Rather than speaking of a drained battery, Ms. Cameron would probably tell me that I need to fill my creative well. There are many fun ways to do that. This week five of “The Artist’s Way” advises collecting images of postponed pleasures and desires. I think it’s time to go through a gardening catalog. Then I can head over to a garden center when the weather warms and put my artist’s eye toward shaping my yard into some fresh new visualization.
Weekly artist’s dates, times spent all by myself doing something fun, are another big tool from Julia Cameron’s arsenal. The visit to said garden center would make a great date even before time to plant.
What about you? Is it time to charge that battery or fill your well? What interesting venture might aid you in the goal?
Thursday Thirteen
Wow! Did another week already go by? It’s time for some random fun with lists:
Thursday Thirteen
Today is the day we rejoice in blogdom by creating random lists of thirteen things. Click below and enjoy…
Essential Ingredients
Thursday Thirteen
It’s Thursday, a day for lists of the random. We hope you’ll stop by and enjoy.
Opening the Window
Julia Cameron in her book “The Artist’s Way” likens opening our minds to gradually wedging open a door. I think of that today because I decided to open the window so I could hear the birds.
Doing that simple act made me wish it were so easy to let in story ideas and create. I did succeed in writing a short story today, but I noticed with the window open that a lot more than birdsong entered my room. There was traffic sound from the road and industrial noise from a nearby factory, but my brain filtered those out for the most part so that I could hear the cardinals sing and the squirrels chatter.
The same works for our creativity. We need to filter out distractions. Sometimes that might mean getting a nuisance chore out of the way so we can focus. For other situations, we might need to shut the door on unimportant matters for a while.
For me, at least, creation comes from a place of peace. I’m learning to cultivate a sense of that by uplifting important matters to a higher significance and balancing out the rest the best I can. I hope you manage to do the same.