
The Night Is A Harsh Mistress, Chapter 8 — No Comments

  1. Okay, I\’m going to say this once nicely, and from here on out, I will rant. THESE MUST BE LONGER.

    It\’s about time Rachel got something good out of the week from hell. Maybe she can quit after all. I mean, she doesn\’t want her teeth to be more yellow than his!

    Another part of me suspects this might not be *such* a coincidence.

    Looking forward to your next *longer* chapter.

    That is all . . . =P

    Addendum: Blogger wants me to type \’brabykcl\’. Who\’s taking bets that KCL actually does make bras and this is a new form of subliminal advertising? Who\’s with me?! o.o

  2. *grin* This is great, babe! I\’m really enjoying this story. Unlike Gweenie, I think these chapters are just the right size (but there should be more of them!). Rachel has a great personality, and I\’m all curious about the kid! Brilliant work, Noony. *smooch*

  3. I need more! *le prod*

    I hope this thing works oout for Rachel she could do with a bit of luck!

    Lovely writing, I like the voice 🙂 more!

  4. Ok! I\’m hooked…but what about Viktor? He\’s dark and unpredictable?
    Is he a possible \”HOT\” tangle for Rachel? Edgy, want more! 🙂

  5. Love the line, \’after lunch and before bed?\’
    Glad to read more about Rachel! And this guy seems too good to be true, please tell me he\’s not!
    Good to see Rachel does more than \’detect\’ too.

  6. AH! I\’m afraid I agree with Gwen! He\’s almost to good to be true. She should skip dinner and go straight to the bed *waggles brows* Just to make sure he\’s real ya know!


    I love love love it!!