
The Night Is A Harsh Mistress, Chapter 11 — No Comments

  1. She really needs Viktor and the same for him…but your going slow aren't you, keeping us waiting, waiting, waiting. *sigh* Lucky for you I'm hooked! Love you!!!!! <3

  2. Viktor is so protective of her, I like that. But he\’s sure not going to let her know he\’s interested, is he?
    I love that he left her the pack of cigarettes. LOL And the chiding little note.
    Keep them coming. E

  3. Ha – so much for quitting. She\’s earned it though. That was so sweet of him, in his own way. He took the file to protect her, and left her an offering. I like him. Nice to see how you\’re progressing the mystery too. I\’m curious about that call FROM David Greene . . .