
Wiley Wednesday, 10/15/2008: “Twin Realities” — No Comments

  1. Excellent advice. I\’m a firm believer and practitioner of this philosophy. And you\’re right, it is times like these that make it easy to give up on our dreams. We can\’t let that happen. That\’s what this blog is all about. Thanks Cat! You are an awesome writing Obi-Wan! *hugs*

  2. Yay Nooney! I\’m going to start my list in my morning pages. Glass half full instead of half empty, right? It\’s all in the eye of the beholder.
    We honestly do have more than almost anyone has ever had; in other countries or other times in history. Why do we insist on seeing ourselves needing more?
    Way to bring the concept down to the basics~hugs E