
Wiley Wednesday: How To See the Forest If You’re a Tree Person — No Comments

  1. Brilliant! And I laughed, too, because I actually have seen someone reply almost word for word to you on a forum thread, “You don’t want to do all that right NOW, do you?” I think I'm generally a tree person, though I currently feel like a log. 🙂 I'm glad it's a four day work week! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and enthusiasm.

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts,this is a great way to retreat yourself. This way of sharing a tree writing retreat is too nice.You have related a man with a tree in a beautiful way. Great job.

  3. Just what I needed, and well done. I often lean toward being a leaf on the tree person. Sometimes the veins on the leaves. It certainly helps to remember the bigger picture, especially when my primary client is a forest person.


  4. Thank you, Darla, Harris, and Dilo! I appreciate you taking the time to comment, and appreciate your positive support.

    Dilo, have you ever read the novella "Leaf by Niggle," by J. R. R. Tolkein? You might enjoy it very much. It's a manifesto for leaf people. 🙂

  5. As a forest person, I just learned some very useful things about tree people. Now if only I could figure out which one my husband is…
    On a serious note, that managed to be both very amusing and very helpful. Now if I can figure out how to communicate with my boss (I think she's a continent person if I'm a forest person…) I'd be set.

  6. Thanks, Reka! We are all somewhere on a continuum as regards forests and trees and such. Some people are big-picture people, visionaries. Some are in the middle, like the forest, but can deal with trees. Other, like Tolkien's Niggle, like the leaves ON the trees. It takes all kinds for the world to go 'round, I think. 😛