
K Is For… Kibitzer – Flash Fiction Word Prompt — 8 Comments

  1. lol! I sure know this type, though I wasn't familiar with the word. Fun and educating post. I enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  2. Oh, Grace, thank you. I actually flipped through the K section of my thesaurus for inspiration. I felt silly writing it and appreciate your kind words.

  3. Ah, thanks. The squirrel element was inspired by a true story featured on the radio show "This American Life". A pair of young police officers tried to help a couple with a squirrel in their home and their well-intentioned but inexperienced efforts ended up adding additional mayhem. As the final act, the poor animal got mortally burned in the fireplace and ended up lighting the couch on fire. Nobody had a good day in that story.

  4. I look forward to reading your version, Keith. And thank you for the kind word. Such compliment from a respected fellow storyteller means a lot.