
Q is for Queer (Sci Fi) — 5 Comments

  1. Thank you for writing this piece. I am a woman born in the 50’s and have always used Queer to describe myself. During the 80’s and 90’s I only knew a handful of us who described ourselves as queer, but I’m glad the word is coming back. It should be embraced by our community, reclaimed and recognized. Take it away from the haters and make it our own.

  2. As a woman in my late 20s, I find that queer is the best label I have for myself. None of the more specific labels really jive with how I feel and I don’t want to try to juggle a handful of different labels when everything anyone else needs to know about can be summed up by queer. I think it’s a handy little word, but also empathize with how painful it is to some. Even as a woman, I have a really hard time with faggot. Even typing it out makes my whole body cringe. Words, man. They’re powerful. Thanks for the article!

    • LOL me too. The f word bugs the hell outta me…

      You make a great point – I love that it fits your personal identification!

  3. I sometimes describe myself as a gay man if I want to be specific, but I usually use the word queer to self-identify. It’s inclusive of all my LGBTIQA friends, and I find it empowering to reclaim a word that some want to use as a slur.