Join Us On Saturdays for Craft Circle
A Good Yarn: Craft Salon & Makerspace
One of the most important tools we have is to remember our agency. It’s like the Serenity Prayer says: “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the strength to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” It is easy to get rolled under the wheels when the train is going as fast as it is. What helps it slow down and even stop for a while is to spend time doing things that bring us joy.
Sometimes, doing so is an act of resistance. “Living well is the best revenge.”
Come join us. We meet every Saturday on Zoom, free, from noon to 2:00 PM (1400) Pacific time, which right now is UTC -8 (it changes in Spring with the time change in the States). If you’d like to come, please fill out the form on the following link and we’ll send you the link by email.
Remember. We can always make something of our experiences. And sometimes, that’s exactly the change that’s needed in the world.