X Is For… X Marks the Spot!
by Mary Economou Green
So what to discuss when you get the letter X to write about? So I did what we all do – googled.
Not much of a gamer, so talking about X-box and its generations is out of the question. Nor X-Factor (never really watched the show, and Simon was rather mean). And x-rays remind me that I’m getting older and clumsier (sigh). Also not into American slasher films, so very unlikely to run out to see the new movie X (definitely not my cup of tea). Thus so far, not much to say.
But I did come across two interesting Xs – in music. The song “ X” by Jonas Brothers has a catchy dance beat with the inspired words, “kiss me like your ex is in the room.” Cheeky, isn’t it? Then there’s the American punk rock band called X (formed in 1977, still performing apparently). The song “Los Angeles” has a great vibe and a line I can relate to somehow, “she gets confused flying over the dateline.” Love it.
Well, I could talk about EXs. But too many, too complicated, too long ago. A word of caution though, going back almost never results in a positive outcome. Remember yourself at that moment of EXdom and be kind to that younger more innocent self: don’t look back longingly and/or in anger; don’t have regrets; remind yourself that there’s a reason they are an EX. In the wise words of Fleetwood Mac, “don’t stop thinking about tomorrow…yesterday’s gone, yesterday’s gone”
This is sealed with an X, for all you readers.
Mary, your comments about the need to leave “ex”s behind are wise and true. I would add that your comments apply to more than the usual sense of “ex”s. There can many parts of our past that we need to leave behind as we move into the future. That doesn’t mean those parts didn’t have a place once, but not everything or everyone is meant to stay with us forever.
Ooh. I love that spin, Laura. Totally agreed. It’s startling when we wake up and realize just exactly how much old baggage we’re still lugging around.
Indeed, though some of it does tend to linger – hopefully it makes us stronger and wiser. (Sometimes though, it is just weight) (sigh).
Yes indeed, very true Laura, thanks for your comment!
X-Kid by Green Day is a good song, too. Fun way to use a difficult letter.
You think I would remember that – and I love Green Day, have seen them in concert! Thanks Lenni for reminding me of that song. (And I used the song American Idiot for my students to analyze in my Writing Academically course)!