E is for Emergency
A lot of my friends tease me about being a Doomsday Prepper because I grew up in hurricane country and tend to be prepared.
For anything. Including, perhaps, zombies.
But to be honest, an emergency can happen anywhere, anytime to anyone. And information can be vital. So some questions everyone should ask themselves is … if something happens to me and I am hospitalized who will take care of my children or pets? Does my family know what hospital I prefer? Do I? Which one is covered by my insurance?
Do I have a list of important numbers that isn’t locked in my cell phone? Does the person I want to ‘be in charge’ know about it? Even better, do they know and agree to be my ‘go to’ contact?
You can go deeper and consider if you have a current will or a living will? Does family know your wishes if you can’t express them? The time to figure this out is before you’re unconscious. Might be easier- just saying. After all, when you get home you want to concentrate on getting better.
Excellent advice! And I want to be near you if an apocalypse hits. Well, anytime, actually. You\’re awesome.