
P is for Promotion or Putting yourself out there…EEK! — 4 Comments

  1. That's fantastic advice. This is an area I've avoided like the plague.

    By the way, I cannot imagine ever saying something so nasty to someone as what that dunderhead spat. Wow. ~hugs~ I am soooo glad you didn't let that stop you from sharing your gift. Best wishes!

  2. I agree with Darla, what an awful person for saying that! I'm glad that you didn't let it stop you.

    I love the picture of how you look in your head. πŸ™‚

  3. One additional tip that helped me when I began the #Blog Challenge three years ago was being sure my social media options were all talking to one another. On my blog you can get to Pinterest and Facebook. This is a form of self promotion that can help an author.