
Memorial to a Writer’s Cat — 6 Comments

  1. I'm very sorry for the loss of your beloved cat Luna. It sounds like she was a wonderful and loving companion as that's how many pets are so unconditionally loving towards their humans. You shared a special bond and if you believe in heaven I'm sure Luna's spirit is watching over you. I had a cat named Bianco whom I also was allergic to but took care of he had gotten sick but hid it so well we didn't know until it was too late but he lived a long life. I felt I should have treated him better though but my mother and I cried alot and grieved his passing. It's good to be able to have someone to share your grief with. I hope you have that and I wouldn't worry about the writing. Grief can be stunningly silent. Words can feel meaningless and so you must give yourself time to heal. Thank you for sharing and I hope you have peace and feel better soon. Chantal (Aka Channie)

  2. Thank you so much for the kind words! I've gotten a ton of loving support throughout her illness and am grateful for the similar outpouring now. Our pet sitter lost a beloved dog about a year ago, as did my parents. This sharing, despite the pain, certainly brings the benefit of bonding us more deeply with other humans. Best wishes! I'm sure you treated Bianco better than you realize, my friend.

  3. Thanks so much, Rachel! I seem to be doing okay. Thoughts of her now bring more fond gratitude than tearful lament. In fact, for an upcoming post I plan to share a dream that oddly honored her. ~grin!