
Darla’s Wiley Wednesday — 3 Comments

  1. What an invigorating post! I hope you can find that balance too at the office in the midst of chaos. I'm not sure the answer there, but I'm sure we'll find it together. We'll be like excavators on a special kind of archeological dig, looking for the tools to vanquish assholeism at the office. Vanquish Assholism at the Office: the VAatO! Heeeey, vato!

    (Vato can be like "dude" in Spanish or something darker, depending on context.)

    It'll be our little secret! 🙂

  2. How true it is you can lose yourself at work. My secret weapon is a 'worry stone' I keep in one pocket to ground me when I'm stressed. I have an assortment to choose from in my locker and rotate them each day to keep it interesting and fresh. My favorite is a bullet casing from a very large 50 caliber pistol I shot last summer. Brings back memories of a family trip and trying new exciting things.
    So glad to hear you're feeling that artistic energy, even while in the office chair.

  3. Thank you for the lovely responses! I'm with you on Vato, A Catherine. Great idea! Your reminder of a pleasant time is fabulous, Tess. Thanks for sharing.