
Ever Feel Like You’re Being Watched? — No Comments

  1. Cats are the "traditional pet" of authors? I never knew that. I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised, since cats are generally semi-low maintenance (from my understanding), only caring about you when they're hungry or desire attention (which doesn't usually seem to happen too often… at least not as often as dogs would). That leaves amble time for writing.

    Anyway, I think I'll be just fine without a pet… unless Jane Doe wants one… I probably wouldn't be able to resist her, knowing me.

  2. Thanks, Noony! I drool anytime I see a house with a square, high tower full of windows. It's so easy to imagine locking myself at the top. 🙂

    Lucius, I'm not sure how accurate my impression is. I associate Earnest Hemingway, a favorite, with the animals because his home's curators in Key West boast having the extra-toed descendents of the man's pets. Yet Hemingway's son says he never had cats in the Keys (only when he lived in Cuba) yet I guess we'll never know the truth of that. Thanks for the comment!

  3. I hope the separate room works out. Sounds like the cats I used to have, although one would accept my lap as a substitute for the papers on my desk. On the subject of pets wanting attention, I want to share an otherwise unrelated anecdote. As a safety measure, we thought teaching the parrot to obey "come here" was a good idea. We took her outside often, and although her wings were clipped, she could still get away. While not very useful for that purpose, she figured out she could use the phrase to call her humans to her. It was the only phrase she learned to say clearly.
    ~ Dilo