
Writer Wednesday: Daily Maintenance — 4 Comments

  1. Great post!
    I was just discussing this with someone, about how every time I review the images from a photo shoot, I look at them and say to myself "Did I shoot that?"

    Sometimes it is hard to accept that you HAVE found that One Thing.

  2. So true! I need my daily dose of sunshine, morning pages and (hopefully) some time at the keyboard or everything, including sanity goes out the window.

    Thank you for the reminder of self care and renewal.

  3. Thanks, guys!

    I know what you mean, Wolfshead; sometimes when I re-read something I've written, I have a moment of "Whoa, that's not half bad." 🙂

    Tess, I hear you on the whole maintaining one's sanity thing. If I don't keep up my pages, it's… bad. 🙂

    I'm so pleased, Darla! Thank you for commenting!