
The process of writing — No Comments

  1. 5000 words!!! OMG that\’s amazing! And I loved the line about your closet, mine too! LOL
    Having done much the same thing more than once for a blog post I\’m very empathetic on the subject, there just aren\’t words, are there, to describe how that feels?
    Good to hear from you, let us know how the writing continues. Evey

  2. That horrendous moment when you realize that IT'S gone and forever, is the horriblest (spelling ?) moment. Been there and done that. But 5000 words is wonderful, amazing and good for you girl. 🙂 <3

  3. Awesome to get 5K words in! Totally totally awesome. Just keep that up. Don\’t worry about what you\’re writing, why or if it even makes sense. Just write. Write. Write!